Plans submitted for conversion of Glastonbury's Waggon and Horses pub into flats

By Laura Linham

24th May 2024 | Local News

The Waggon and Horses in Glastonbury (Photo: LL)
The Waggon and Horses in Glastonbury (Photo: LL)

A planning application has been submitted for the conversion of the Waggon and Horses public house in Glastonbury into residential units.

The application, identified as 2024/0829/FUL, is currently pending consideration and proposes the transformation of the existing pub - which has been closed since the retirement of the landlords - located at 113 Wells Road into four flats, along with constructing a new coach house on the site.

Mr. D. Pritchard, the applicant, intends to develop a total of five dwellings, although the plans do not include any affordable housing units. The proposal outlines a significant change in the use of the building, with an existing gross internal floorspace of 127.8 square metres set to be completely repurposed. The redevelopment involves the demolition of 59.5 square metres of the current structure.

Residents and interested parties can follow the application's progress and submit comments to the local council as the community awaits the outcome.


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