Planning news from in and around Glastonbury this week including approval of the details of the construction phases for the new specialist autism school at St Dunstan's School in Glastonbury

Planning applications validated this week
Land Adjacent To Pound House, Meareway Lane, Meare
Prior Approval for a proposed change of use of agricultural building to a dwellinghouse (Class C3) and for associated operational development.
Erection of single storey rear extension.
Applications decided this week
Approval of details reserved by condition 6 (Surface Water Drainage) and condition 7 (Foul Drainage) on planning consent 2020/0515/FUL.
Decision: Approved
11 Manor House Road, Glastonbury
Erection of single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory.
Decision: Approved
Erection of single storey extensions & new dormer window.
Decision: Approved
Park Corner Farm, Gypsy Lane, Edgarley
Erection of a manure store and installation of a reed bed.
Decision: Approved
Single storey extension to rear.
Decision: Approved
Bluestone Cottage, Lottisham Lane, Lottisham
Erection of Carport, store and Home office.
Decision: Withdrawn
24 St Dunstans Close, Glastonbury
Erection of single storey wraparound side/rear extension.
Decision: Approved
Erection of a single storey rear extension.
Decision: Approved
Installation of low level air conditioning condenser unit to rear elevation (retrospective).
Decision: Approved
St Dunstans Community School, Wells Road, Glastonbury
Details to satisfy Condition 3 of permission SCC/3892/2021: Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) Before the groundworks of this development commence a Construction, Environmental Management Plan shall be submitted and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority. The CEMP shall include description of the distinct phases of construction, their duration and the measures adopted to minimise impacts on residential and school development. Control measures may include restriction of hours, operating procedure, physical control measures and procedures to address complaints. The development shall then be carried out in full compliance with the approved details. Reason: To minimise risks of disturbance to school or residential uses.
Decision: No objection
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