Sweet Love's Lament - concert by Glastonbury Cantilena Choir
St Benedict's Church
UNTIL Saturday 9th July

Glastonbury Cantilena Choir have their summer concert on Saturday, July 9.
Sweet Love's Lament Is the title to an evening featuring Elizabethan music, including songs by Morley, Gibbons, Farnaby, and Wilbye. With a Madrigal journey through love.
Cantilena choir led by Musical Director Anthony Bevan, will be bringing to life three sets of five songs with musical interludes by the recorder quintet 'Pink Noise'. A glass of wine or soft drink and a light buffet are included in the ticket price, and will be available after the concert.
There will also be a raffle in aid of the choir.
Doors open at 6:30pm. Start 7pm - end 9pm. At St Benedict's Church, Benedict's Street, Glastonbury, BA6 9NB. What3words; ///spectacle.marginal.form tickets
Tickets £12 adult (£1 child on door). Cash on door, Or otherwise available from Dicketts stationers and the Library of Avalon on Glastonbury highstreet. Or call 01458 830 520 It is wheelchair accessible.