Priestess/ Priest of Avalon Taster Sessions
Glastonbury and Online
Community Events
Saturday 10th May
In the Heart of the Goddess
Priestess of Avalon Taster Days
with Kit Crowther
In-Person Taster Day Saturday 10th May 2025 10am-4.30pm
Online Taster Sessions Saturday 12th April or Saturday 6th September 2025 4-7pm
Beyond the town of Glastonbury, in Somerset, and through the veil of mists and mystery lies the ancient land of Avalon. Sacred Isle of The Lady of Avalon and Her nine Morgen sisters. Her violet rays eternally inspiring, empowering and transforming those who seek to know Her.
These new tasters offer participants a unique experience of Spiral One from the Priestess of Avalon Course, run through Glastonbury Goddess Temple Teachings. The course, founded and taught in year 3 by by Kathy Jones, is an experiential journey towards becoming a Priestess or Priest of Avalon.
The tasters will have a mixture of sharing, discussion, an opportunity to experience life as a student and ask any questions you may have about the course.
A Goddess Temple Teachings Event