Super Successful STEM Day at Strode College

By Emma Dance

7th Jul 2022 | Local News

Cozmo the Robot
Cozmo the Robot

Strode College hosted a super STEM Day with more than 400 pupils from seven local schools from the area to learn about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths.

The young people spent the day at the College under the supervision of current staff and their own tutors. After months of organising, the event tried a new dissemination format to present career's information to future generations, engaging them and getting positive feedback from attendees.

Somerset County Council Libraries brought a 3D printer and introduced their programmable robot 'Cozmo', a robot with personality that runs with AI and learns and evolves the more you play with it. Leonardo distributed playful cards with aircraft printed on the front and all their specs on the back with a 'Star Wars' look to them. The most popular classroom was Strode College's hospital ward, with highly realistic mannequins, which simulate human conditions through a microchip inserted through the back of their necks. Pupils interacted with them and were mesmerised by their human-like look.

A pupil from Stanchester Academy in Stoke-sub-Hamdon talked about his favourite activities, "Somerset Council Libraries had very cool technology, Cozmo gave us a giggle and also the hospital ward, as it had cool dummies."

Another pupil from King Arthur's Community School in Wincanton said, "Strode College Creative Media was interesting, they showed us how 'Superman' was filmed using the green screen during the scenes when he was flying." Another pupil said, "I liked the army presentations as they showed us the wider opportunities available, it was very engaging and I came home thinking I want to join."

It is never too soon to inspire the future workforce so this mix of Year 7, 8, and 9 pupils participated in over 20 carousel sessions run by local businesses and Strode's teachers. These hands-on fun experiences gave 'food for thought' on future study and career paths. The exchange of ideas and possibilities inspired pupils and helped them see skills required for high-demand jobs in STEM industries.

The event organisers Chris Harvey, Strode College Careers Advisor and Debbie Gardiner, Strode College School Liaison commented,

"We would just like to say a massive 'Thank You' to all that attended our first STEM day; we couldn't have made it such a success without all our guests.

"We managed to meet our objective of giving all pupils a taster of where Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths can take them in this big wide world and sowing the seeds for years to come."

Pupils discovered how important they are in the world of work and were inspired to consider careers in the areas of Aircraft Manufacturing, Computing, Finance, Quarrying, Health Science, Food Production, Construction Engineering, Healthcare, Electrical Engineering, Logistics, and Transport, Accounting, Surveying, Research, and Renewable Energy.

Guest speakers included British Army Engineering, NHS Digital, British Army Royal Signals, British Solar Renewables, Leonardo, Sycamore Process Engineering Ltd, Babcock International Group, Monahans, Somerset County Council - Robot & Printer, Griffiths Engineering, Royal Hydrographic Office, and Simply Sustainable.

It is not too late for Year 11 pupils to apply to study at Strode College this September. The college is open throughout July and August and will 'fast-track' any new online applications, visit Pupils can also contact Debbie Gardiner on 01458 844476 if they would like to arrange a bespoke campus visit.


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