Glastonbury Pagan Moot — Annwyn Avalon
Beckets Inn, 43 High Street, BA6 9DS Glastonbury
UNTIL Friday 9th February

7.30pm for 8pm start . All welcome . Donations.
Annwyn Avalon is a Water Priestess and Celtic Water Witch. She is the Author of The Way of the Water Priestess, Water Witchcraft: Magic and Lore from the Celtic Tradition and The Celtic Goddess Grimiore. She is the founder of Water Priestess Training, The Water Priestess Confluence, Bewitching the Waters Symposium, and Triskele Rose Witchcraft a Avalonian Witchcraft Tradition. She has devoted her life to the study of Esoteric Water Mysteries. Her path is one of sacred service to the waters of this world and her ancestors. She is an initiated Witch and Priestess, Reiki Master Teacher, award-winning Dancer, and has a BFA in sculpture, BA in Anthropology. She has also received an apprentice certificate in Herbalism. She writes for the Magical Times Magazine in the UK and has contributed to other published works such as Brigid's Light: Tending the Ancestral Flame of the Beloved Celtic Goddess ,This Witch, and Witchology Magazine. She is the author of the Patheos Blog The Water Witch. She now lives in Glastonbury as the sacred steward of Chalice Orchard, the former home of the famous occultist Dion Fortune and is a Keeper and Ceremonialist at the White Spring. One of the sacred springs located in Glastonbury.
Water is a full spectrum element embodying life, death, and everything in between. Water holds within its depths the infinite possibilities of the magical aquatic realms including the power of cleansing, healing, and transformation. In this talk, we will explore the mysteries and magic of water and how it can be used to create balance within us. We will also talk about Water Priestess Arts and answering the call to facilitate Water Rituals, Singing to the Water and becoming the sacred stewards of our local water ways.