Glastonbury Seed Swap
St Edmunds Hall, Glastonbury
Community Events
UNTIL Sunday 11th February

Dear Gardeners & growers,
We invite you take part in the 18th annual Glastonbury Seed Swap, grown from small shoots in 2006 we now have an established annual event with many supporters and followers.
Bring seeds to swap and share at our Seedy Sunday event at St Edmunds Hall, Glastonbury, Sunday 11th February between 11-2pm.
Seeds – please sort into small batches, if you can, please label with variety, date and any tips. You can make a small donation if you have nothing to swap.
This is a chance to get together, share seeds, knowledge and skills and build community resilience. Let's take positive action to preserve and grow crop varieties that suit our area and climate, and share the surplus we have.
We'll have:
· Drinks and homemade cakes available by donation.
· An area outside for swapping / giving away trees & info on tree planting and projects.
· Stalls representing local food & growing projects – find out how you can get involved.
· Noticeboard for anything related to seeds, community food & growing.
· We hope to have talks & activities for families too.
Volunteers are welcome to help set up / clear down, sort seeds and keep the refreshments going etc. visit our FB page for more info.
Thank you,
Caroline & organisers