Glastonbury projects get cash boost from Mendip Communities Fund

By Emma Dance

24th Mar 2022 | Local News

Glastonbury Cricket Club is one of the organisations to benefit
Glastonbury Cricket Club is one of the organisations to benefit

Some 47 organisations, including several from in and around Glastonbury, have successfully secured grants from the Mendip Communities Fund.

Mendip District Council (MDC) has allocated £350k to groups with project plans that support community resilience, physical and mental wellbeing and access to arts, creativity and heritage.

Projects that secured funding of up to £2k and up to £30k include, improvements to village halls, skate park developments, music and seasonal events, a defibrillator, play area refurbishment, dance groups and equipment for a cricket club. One of the Glastonbury organisations to successfully secure a grant is Glastonbury Cricket Club. Heather Hall, Chair of Glastonbury Cricket Club, said: "Glastonbury Cricket Club is delighted to have been awarded a £1,500 Grant from Mendip District Council's Communities Fund which the Club will use for a new set of covers for the cricket square. For the last few years we have been taping up and mending our old covers so new ones are desperately needed! They will enable us to better protect the cricket square and cancel fewer matches due to rain and sodden ground. "Our newly reformed Adult teams will benefit enormously, as well as our thriving Juniors and of course new covers will look so much smarter! We are hugely grateful to two of our long-standing sponsors, Sparks Transport and Lakeland Leather, who are also contributing. Other preparations are well underway for the new season and we look forward to showing off the new covers for the 1st XI home match on Saturday, May 7." Cllr Liz Leyshon, Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services and Projects, said: "It's been a pleasure to see so many varied and fantastic community projects be recognised and rewarded through the Communities Fund.

"At Mendip, we believe that investing in these projects will help ensure groups can follow their vision for community involvement and achievement, and help them realise their plans which will bring people together again, provide new opportunities and create lasting projects for Mendip residents to enjoy."

A full list of the successful projects can be found on Mendip's website here.


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