Glastonbury Pagan Moot — Peter Nash : Spells and How they Work
Beckets Inn, 43 High Street, Glastonbury, BA6 9DS
UNTIL Saturday 22nd June

Peter Nash presents Spells and How they Work — a practical talk which includes tips on how to get the best from your magical work, analysis of magic and how it works — anecdotes and tips on how to get the best from your spells.
Peter was born in South Wales in the early 60's - very early he rebelled against the Church in Wales - their version of Cof E and he became interested in Buddhism and eastern religion - - later he learned to communicate with nature and discovered Wicca. Aged 15 he performed Doreen Valiente's self initiation ritual given in her 1978 book - Witchcraft for Tomorrow - after a strange series of events and to cut a long story short - he was initiated aged 19 - properly into the craft after studying under the late Alex Sanders - in addition he is a member of two Druid Orders as well as the Golden Dawn's forerunner the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia where he is Grade VII - Adeptus Exemptus - he has lived in Glastonbury for about 7 years - and still active in the pagan community. He rarely gives talks now - but sometimes will - if its to a small gathering. He is one of the last "first line " Alexandrians.
He used to be a regular speaker at Wichfest, the Mercian Gathering and PF events - and he used to be a regular contributor to Pagan Dawn, Witchcraft and Wicca , The Pentacle and other pagan magazines.
Saturday 22nd June 2024, 7.30pm for an 8pm start at:
Beckets Inn 43 High Street, Glastonbury, BA6 9DS
All welcome. Donations welcome but not required.