Community Harvest Feast
St Bens Church, Glastonbury
UNTIL Saturday 3rd September

Gardeners, growers and community are invited to a shared harvest lunch. Soup, salad, dips, bread and pickles. Cake, tea and coffee. St Bens Church between 12:30-2:30pm on Saturday 3rd September 2022 Book your place online: or pop into the Glastonbury Information Centre to get your free ticket.
We will be gathering surplus produce for the meal - fresh veg, fruit, herbs etc, please get in touch if you have produce to donate / would like to help: [email protected] (small quantities can also be left at Glastonbury Country Market on the Tuesday).
We are also looking for donations of pickles, bread, cake and flowers for the day; contact: [email protected]
There will be a chance to swap / share your surplus produce on the day too.
Organised by the Glastonbury Harvest Show group, with Feed Avalon CIC and Love Glastonbury supporting.
N.B. Sorry, there is no Glastonbury Harvest Show this year, but please join the organising group to get the show back on the road for 2023!